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"Don't Say You Don't Remember Beverly Bremers"

Bill The Red Baron | This is a five star AWESOME CD. Beverly made herself forever famous with "Don't Say you don't remember" but she sure backs it up well with all these great songs, this CD is a must have ! |
Louis Perrotta | I've always liked Beverly Bremers and I like her even more now. She's an exceptional singer and really knows how to put over a tune. I love this album. |
Donnie Key | Beverly, I have liked everything you have ever done. Many memorable connotations associated with Don't Say You Don't Remember. |
Kathy, The Uptown Girl | The CD is "fantabulous"..Beverly Bremers breathes life into each and every song but my absolute favorite is Don't Say You Don't Remember. It brings back a blast from the past and has many memorable connotations associated with it. This CD should be a part of every one's collection! Ms. Bremers is so deserving of all the accolades she has received and should receive with this CD. Keep bringing us more music! |
Remembering The Sixties